Now here is a lady that has been such a wonderful example in my life. My mother's only sister.
I am so happy for my mom that she has a sister as wonderful as her.
Being a big sister myself I can look to Aunt Geri's example of how to
support, love, and ground my crazy little sister.
{Angi, in a good way, you are my crazy lil' seester}
Undoubtedly, Geri is full of compassion, love, and care for others. And undoubtedly Jesus' light shines through her. She glows with beauty and wisdom. Solid in her character yet still a teachable soul.
(Not like I've ever had anything to teach my Aunt,
but it's easy to tell because of her humble and gentle spirit.)
She is also, among many things, a wonderful example of a good wife. Her ability to agree to be under the protection of her husband is inspiring and there is much for me to learn in that respect.
As a wife, hopefully I will never stop learning how to be better.
One visit, on a lovely stroll, she shared with me some words of wisdom that I remember often.
These words are precious to me. Words from a wife with wisdom from experience.
Kind of like when someone puts into words something you've been trying to express but never could. As if one sentence turned on the light and made sense of something you've been experiencing lately.
Ya know what I mean?
Geri, I admire and love you very much.
It makes me heart happy to see all the wonderful blessings God has given you.
I think you are fantastic and I hope you don't mind too much me bragging about you a little bit.
Trust me, there's much more I could say, but I will keep it short and simple.
Love you, Aunt Geri.