I can't thank this wonderful family enough!
I have said it before many times, this is the best job I have ever had! I can't say enough how wonderful it was to work for them and be a part of this office and the family!
I already miss not being around these people every day, but I know I will see them again soon.
This was my last day of work. I will be honest and say that I am proud to have worked as long as possible. I decided that Thursday, April 11th would be my last day. Turned out that would have been my last day of work anyways because our baby girl was born on Sunday, April 14th!
Things really fell into place and it all worked out.
It was a bittersweet day.
I was leaving something really good!
But, of all the reasons to have to leave such a wonderful job, having a baby is probably the best.
Now I have my dream job, being a mom!
Thank you Ted & Christine!!