Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last Day of Work

I can't thank this wonderful family enough!
 I have said it before many times, this is the best job I have ever had! I can't say enough how wonderful it was to work for them and be a part of this office and the family! 
I already miss not being around these people every day, but I know I will see them again soon. 

This was my last day of work. I will be honest and say that I am proud to have worked as long as possible. I decided that Thursday, April 11th would be my last day. Turned out that would have been my last day of work anyways because our baby girl was born on Sunday, April 14th!
Things really fell into place and it all worked out. 

It was a bittersweet day. 
I was leaving something really good!
 But, of all the reasons to have to leave such a wonderful job, having a baby is probably the best. 

Now I have my dream job, being a mom!

Thank you Ted & Christine!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cerminaro Family Update

We have grown!
Sunday, April 14th at 4:24 PM our little Avery Ann was born. 
She was 6 lbs & 11 oz and 19 1/2 " long.

God blessed us with a natural delivery and healthy baby and mommy.
Our experience was wonderful and we are truly thankful!

Another update:
We are staying in the UP. At least for another couple of years. 
Daniel received a grant that pays for a Masters Degree. 
Short term, I was ready to move on and be closer to family and home. But long term,
it's hard to pass up a free Masters Degree and what that can mean for our future.
We already have a house, friends, and church family. So this will be a little easier on us.

So dear family and friends,
Please come visit!!!!! 
We miss you all so much!

9 Months

This picture was taken 3 days before our baby girl was born. 
I was ready to meet her, but I had no idea how soon it would be. 

I am so grateful I made it through the pregnancy healthy and able to work the whole way.
I only dealt with mild and "normal" pregnancy symptoms. 
My husband and I were beyond blessed by our wonderful family and friends that provided so many of the things that Baby C would need. 
Thank you to all who blessed us with prayers, gifts, support, and love.

This is the end of this journey. 

The next journey is even greater!