Monday, October 29, 2012

16 Weeks

Week 16: Baby C is now the size of an Avacado

New Milestones:
His scalp pattern has started to develop! (Even though he hasn't started growing hair yet)
He is starting to grow toenails!
His heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day!
Coming Soon:
In the next few weeks, he will double his weight!
I will soon be able to feel the baby move!
        I am still very thankful that I feel normal. I didn't realize just how much I took it for granted before. Feeling normal is actually quite pleasant. My appetite is almost normal. The only strange thing is that I don't have much of a sweet tooth right now. Which is very abnormal. Don't get me wrong, I still have a sweet tooth, but it's just not as big as normal. I suppose that is a very good thing anyways.
       I still don't really look pregnant. People are asking me if I am showing. I can tell that I am, but apparently it's not very obvious. I still look like I am just not sucking in my gut. I am sure that I will be sick of being huge by month 8 anyways, so I guess no rush little one.
Akward moment:
 ( have had a few of these actually.) My personal space bubble has been broken a few times when some very kind hearted and good intentioned women rubbed my belly. Remember that I am not really showing. So it's really like they are just rubbing my belly, not a baby bump. I am SO uncomfortable with this. I hope I think of a kind way of asking people not to.
Because I really don't like it.
Missing Anything? Lunch meat.
For some reason, any sort of food involving lunch meat sounds really great. For example, pickles wrapped in ham with cream cheese! Good ol' fashion sandwiches, lunch meat on salads and in eggs. I usually don't want lunch meat that much, but lately I have wanted these particular things.
Currently craving: Creamy Mac-n-Cheese with Tuna.
For those of you that have been around me quite a bit, you know that this isn't a strange pregnancy craving, I usually eat my Mac-n-cheese with Tuna.
Latest news:
At my last Dr.'s appointment everything was in good shape. I finally discovered that I am blood type A+. The baby's heartbeat was loud, strong and consistant again. So wonderful to hear that little sound. It blows my mind just trying to imagine a little person with the little heartbeat. Well, really, it's quite the heart beat, much faster than mine, and that's good. There is one little thing that will change my labor-plans just a smidge, but it's nothing too serious and everybody is going to be fine.
Silly Staci Highlight:
Even though I am not showing, my clothes are starting to get uncomfortable and so I have been on the hunt for maternity clothes. I dis-like wearing pants in general, so I decided that the only maternity pants that I HAVE to buy would be a pair of work pants and then some leggings. I decided that maxi dresses and skirts are going to be my normal wear during the big months. So, the other day, I had some extra time in town and I was in Walmart. I peaked around in the clothing section to find some maxi dresses on clearance from the summer. I ended up taking three with me for just, wait for it, $11! But that's not all, I stopped over at Goodwill next....... Long story short, there's only one place with maternity clothes within a two hour driving distance. Target in Marquette. Just so happens that Target sells their "left-overs" to Goodwill. And just so happens that there was a pair of work pants, tee, tank, and maxi dress never-worn-before-tag-still-on-it in my size!!! Thank you, Jesus! I also found some other fantastic things like an Old Navy knit cape that will serve as a blanket in disguise that is socially acceptable attire for public. YAY. I even found some other things that day at Salvation Army. I think that I am almost done shopping for my maternity wear thanks to Jesus and that one day of thrifting. It sure was fun!
Well, that's all! Thanks for sticking in there during this super long post.
*Love Life*

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

15 weeks

Week 15: Little Baby C is the size of an apple. 

Week 15 milestones:
He/She can move all of his/her limbs now and sense light. Also, Baby C is forming taste buds and has developed enough to tell what the gender is. 
We will be finding out sometime before Thanksgiving and sharing the wonderful news. After keeping the secret through some nasty morning sickness I am very sick of secrets. 'haha no pun intended' 
I am also planning a fun way to share the news. 
Pintrest has so many great ideas on it, and I am exited to pick one and plan it out. 

At this point, my little baby can squint, frown, grimace, and possibly suck his/her thumb! Baby C has been moving quite a bit, even though I can't feel the movements yet. I got to watch him/her in action during an ultrasound, all sorts of movement. Waving, stretching out his/her legs, opening and closing his/her mouth and flipping and rotating. It was amazing to see it all! I think my favorite part was when the little legs were stretched out all the way as if to get comfy and then go back to sleep. 
Baby C has fingerprints! A personal set of them that no one else on earth has! And all this before he/she is even the size of an apple. Another incredible thing is, if Baby C is a girl, she has 2 million eggs in her ovaries already! Of course, so much more has happened in the development of Baby C, but those are some of my favorites. 

I am going to be honest. I think it's going to be a boy. So from now on I will save myself a dash and just say him and he. But know this, we have not discovered the gender yet. So I may be right or wrong. I will be ultimately happy if I am right or wrong though. 

I grew up with 4 older brothers, and big brothers are awesome. I really like the idea of a big brother. And I hear boys are easier as the first child also. So I really like the idea of a boy. 
If Baby C is a girl... I will have so much fun! I have been dreaming of a daughter since before I met my husband. I would be so ecstatic and I would have so much fun making all sorts of super girly things for my baby and I would have so much fun dressing her and being girly. I know it sounds like I am talking about a doll, but I do realize that those are not the only amazing things about girls. Having a best friend around to teach and help grow is priceless and beyond words.
These are just a few things in the grand endless scale of things. 

There are so many things to think about being pregnant. And then dealing with a changing body on top of that. It is a fantastic experience. Even though most of it so far has been in bed and bent over the toilet, it's already one of the best things that has happened to me! 

Thank you, Jesus for this blessing. 
Until next time.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Welcome Baby Cerminaro

Daniel and I are exited to announce that we are going to have a baby in April of 2013! 

I haven't posted since I discovered I was pregnant, because #1, I have been consumed with thoughts about Baby C, and #2, I wasn't ready to share the news yet and I was afraid it would make it's way into this blog on accident.

But, I am free now, the secret is out. 

And prepare yourself for some Baby Fever Postings. I hope you don't mind. 
But it has kind of taken over my life. 

God is good and he has blessed us with a bundle of joy. 
I am so exited and so ready to be a mommy. 
(I think so anyways, about the ready to be a mommy part). 

Talk to you soon.