Saturday, May 17, 2014

Leaving This World

I am leaving the world of blogging, for now. 
I love the idea of blogs and there are so many that I love to read, but right now, I am stepping away from the mental pressure I put on myself to write a blog post. 
There are so many things I would love to share and write about and so many pretty things I would like to show. But for now, I am setting myself free. 
Free from what I think a good blog is. Free from trying to be like all the other blogs out there. 

Who knows, maybe this is a short break, maybe this is a long break. But Acorns and Lace will be here for me where there is something I just HAVE to share or something I am inspired to share. Or maybe this was just a good trail to see if I belong in the blogging world or not. 

We will see.

Peace out. 

And remember, Jesus loves you.
Always has and always will.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dairy Free Diary

We have recently discovered that poor little Avery has a dairy sensitivity and it bothers her when I eat dairy (because she is exclusively nursing). How then do we keep dairy away from her? 
I am not allowed to eat dairy. 

At first I just though, eh, butter, milk, no big deal. But each day on this new diet I realized just how much dairy I really did consume. It felt like EVERYTHING had dairy in it. 
But that was just EVERYTHING that I ate. 
It has been a few weeks now and Avery is certainly doing better, therefore this is all worth it. 
It has been an interesting journey transitioning our family diet to dairy free. Like I said, at first, it felt like we couldn't eat anything. But, the more I investigate, the more hopeful I feel. Not only are there alternatives to dairy to get the same taste, example, almond milk or coconut milk, but there are tasty foods out there that don't involve a cow. Well, the milk anyway. 
By default, we are eating more vegetables and fruit to fill the gap. There are no longer sweet treats in our pantry because most of them have dairy. Even the granola bars that we like have dairy! No more ice cream in the freezer. No more cream based soups or casseroles. But, we are doing just fine. In fact, we are doing better
I have been forced to get creative and more domestic to make certain foods from scratch omitting the dairy for substitutes. Even my hot cocoa had dairy! For those who know me well, you realize this is a big deal, considering how much hot cocoa I drink. I drink hot cocoa year round, not just in the cold months. BUT, today I found a decent replacement. Best so far, but I will keep trying to get the same cocoa taste that I have grown so attached to. 
I am not a super healthy eater at the moment, but I do see that changing, little by little. I feel better, my body seems to function better, and the scale is showing me numbers I haven't seen since high school! Now, talk about motivation! But I still have a sweet tooth to satisfy. 
So, just in case there is one of you out there in a similar situation to me, these are the sweets that I have been eating. I have basically been trying to imitate chocolate.

Chocolate velvet frozen soy milk dessert.
Cocoa powder with sugar and vanilla unsweetened almond milk.
Cocoa powder with melted marshmallows. 
Peanut butter and honey.
Black and Green dark chocolate bar. 

The chocolate void in my life has been painful, but it is slowly being satisfied with these interesting concoctions. I have certainly felt desperate (cocoa powder and melted marshmallows)! 
Can you be addicted to chocolate? 
image via google
I just want a big piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a big bowl of chocolate ice cream.

But I gotta say, I certainly don't mind the benefits of eating healthier. 
Especially the low numbers on the scale. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


So lately I have been playing with some fun picture apps on my fancy smartypants phone. 

I am going to share with you how I got the above picture to look this way without leaving the comfort of my couch and hot cocoa.

I actually used a couple few apps to make this magic happen.
First, I used an app called Snapseed to get the vintage drama effect.

 Then, I edited the picture with an app called PS Express. I used the 'reduce noise' option because the picture was very pixel-y thanks to the mirror camera on the iPhone.
Next I used an app called Rhonna Design to put the words and details on the picture.
It's actually quite user friendly and quick. You can create a hipster masterpiece in the matter of a minute and some quick thumb maneuvering.  

I just found this app today and I was so excited about it I wanted to share it. 

All of the apps are free (of course, that's my style). However, in the PS Express app you have to purchase the Reduce Noise option. Kinda ridiculous, but it makes me happy with my pictures so I think it was worth it. 

P.S. Another thing that is really exciting is that Jesus loves you! 
(Just thought you would like to know.) 

So anyways, those are some fun photo editing apps if you have the itch to spruce up your pics. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

September? Where did summer go?

My parent's backyard over the 4th of July Holiday.

Summer flew by this year!  Or was it just that I was too preoccupied to notice?
Avery has kept every day interesting.  From squeals to giggles, this little girl has enough energy to make every day feel like a party

I jokingly mentioned to my husband that I needed a full time job to afford all the clothes I want to buy. And he said something very refreshing and eye opening. He made a comment saying that I do have a full time job, I just don't get paid money for working.  But I get paid with smiles, laughs,& priceless moments that are a gift just for me from Avery. Moments that can never be reproduced or shared, moments that shape my soul.
I have never felt more like myself than I do now being a mother. I have come into a whole new freedom that I could never have any other way.

We weren't planning to get pregnant and have a baby while going to college.  That's not the ideal financial situation, no money coming in and a LOT of money going out.  However, God had better plans.  I honestly don't think I would have survived living the same way for yet another two years, just waiting until we could start a family.  And now that we have Avery I almost wish we would have started a family sooner. The joy and freedom and life that I've discovered is like nothing else and I sure wouldn't mind having started sooner.  But God's timing IS perfect!  And it is fascinating to me how God has provided every single one of our needs (and MANY wants) seamlessly along the journey.  I have no fear of financial dismay or material insufficiency.  Not because I am stupid, unaware of reality, or careless, but because I have faith.  I trust God and have confidence without any doubts that He loves us and knows how to take care of us. He has blessed us in so many ways all of these years.  And I feel so honored that He has blessed us with a beautiful and happy baby girl.  She is perfect in every way and it brings a smile to the very core of my being when I see those little big eyes look at my face and light up. 

And there she is, her little grunts in the baby monitor.  That little voice that fills my heart with happiness anytime I hear it. Yes, I want her to sleep, but her voice is an astounding comfort that my little world is ok and normal.  I was created to be her mother, and hopefully a mother to maybe a brother or sister of hers. 

Thanks for reading to this point. I adore how every person is so different.  And how different people make up unique families.  And the unique solutions to each family's issues.  When did we start thinking that different is wrong and not just, well, different?  

The more I read about parents and babies the more I realize you need to find your parenting style and family style and commit to it. There's no uniform solution for any kind of issue with any person in any area of your life.  I wonder where the idea started that there should be one thing that always should work for everyone. 

Hmmm... that certainly doesn't make sense to me.  I really didn't intent on sharing jumbled thoughts tonight. 
But thanks for reading and you are welcome to continue the conversation.  Yes, I have conversations with myself in my head.  Who doesn't?  

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Avery's First Bath

I think first baths are exiting for mothers because they no longer have to sponge bathe their poor little shivering and crying babies. Also, this signifies that the umbilical cord has fully fallen off and there is a beautifully unique belly button in its place. 
At least this was the case for me. 

Here is the story of Avery's first bath in pictures.

Little Avery with her suspicious look. She had no idea what she was in for.
At first she tried to get away from the water.
Then she started telling us all about how she didn't like what was happening.
After she settled down she didn't mind it so much.
Her eyes were so wide as if to say, "What just happened?"
She still wasn't sure what just happened.... This look cracks me up!

I am happy to say that she quite likes her baths now and they are sometimes
 the means to calm her down.
They are a happy time and I look forward to how fun they will continue to be. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last Day of Work

I can't thank this wonderful family enough!
 I have said it before many times, this is the best job I have ever had! I can't say enough how wonderful it was to work for them and be a part of this office and the family! 
I already miss not being around these people every day, but I know I will see them again soon. 

This was my last day of work. I will be honest and say that I am proud to have worked as long as possible. I decided that Thursday, April 11th would be my last day. Turned out that would have been my last day of work anyways because our baby girl was born on Sunday, April 14th!
Things really fell into place and it all worked out. 

It was a bittersweet day. 
I was leaving something really good!
 But, of all the reasons to have to leave such a wonderful job, having a baby is probably the best. 

Now I have my dream job, being a mom!

Thank you Ted & Christine!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cerminaro Family Update

We have grown!
Sunday, April 14th at 4:24 PM our little Avery Ann was born. 
She was 6 lbs & 11 oz and 19 1/2 " long.

God blessed us with a natural delivery and healthy baby and mommy.
Our experience was wonderful and we are truly thankful!

Another update:
We are staying in the UP. At least for another couple of years. 
Daniel received a grant that pays for a Masters Degree. 
Short term, I was ready to move on and be closer to family and home. But long term,
it's hard to pass up a free Masters Degree and what that can mean for our future.
We already have a house, friends, and church family. So this will be a little easier on us.

So dear family and friends,
Please come visit!!!!! 
We miss you all so much!

9 Months

This picture was taken 3 days before our baby girl was born. 
I was ready to meet her, but I had no idea how soon it would be. 

I am so grateful I made it through the pregnancy healthy and able to work the whole way.
I only dealt with mild and "normal" pregnancy symptoms. 
My husband and I were beyond blessed by our wonderful family and friends that provided so many of the things that Baby C would need. 
Thank you to all who blessed us with prayers, gifts, support, and love.

This is the end of this journey. 

The next journey is even greater!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Eight Months

 Today I am 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
I am glad that I still have about 4 weeks left until the due date, but it is hard to move at this point and hard complete simple daily tasks.  
Not to mention, I have serious baby brain and have a very hard time focusing now. 
Other than those few things, everything is great! 
I am so thankful for this normal healthy pregnancy. 
I feel like a whale, yet I don't feel like I look as big as this picture.  
It is somewhat strange to look at pictures from last summer and see what I used to look like. And I am very exited to get back to normal next summer.  

There is so much to think about, and so much I can't do anything about right now. 

Bottom line is:
God is in control, and I trust in Him and His plans for us. 
Everything little thing is gunna be alright.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Winter Carnival 2013

Winter Carnival at Michigan Tech 2013.

Dad is in front of a Green Bay helmet, Daniel is in front of a Lions helmet. No more explanation needed. haha
Star Wars!  These are things from mostly Empire Strikes Back.
So Daniel really likes to sabotage any picture that has him in it. What he doesn't realize is that I therefore force him to take another picture, a nice one. His plan backfires. 
Just making sure he was making a nice picture. 
Welcome!  Come join us for a couple hours out in the cold! Fun fun!
The brave pair that drove 9 hours to come to the UP. So glad they did!
Dad's only child still shorter than he is. =) 
Free hot cocoa! And with MARSHMALLOWS! 
Daniel's glove ripped, so he used duck tape. Thumbs up the yooper way!
Glad to be in the warm car on the way home.